Belarusan Historical Review Volume 2, Fascicle 1 (August 1995)


Maryna Sakalova. To methodology of analysis of social and political movements.

Ludmiła Dučyc. The Baits and the Slavs on the territory of Belarus in the beginning of the second millennium A.D.

Alaksandar Smalančuk. Historical consciousness and ideology of the Poles of Belarus and Lithuania in the beginning of the 20-th century.



Being charmed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. A talking with professor J.Bardach.



Johan Huizinga. Nationalism in the Middle Ages.

August Nitschke. Fragestellung der historischen Anthropologie.



Franc Kuśal. Attempts of organization of Belarusan Army during the German occupation of Belarus.


New Literature on History. Reviews

Szerratt A. What would a Bronze Age world system look like? (Mikola Kryvalcevič).

Magocsi P.R. Historical Atlas of Central Europe (Anton Miranovič).

Serczyk J. 25 wieków historii: Historycy i ich dzieła (Albina Siemiančuk).

Rogalev A. Ethnotoponymy of Belarus (Ruf Agejeva).

Alexandrov D., Volodikhin D. Struggle for Polock between Lithuania and Rus in 12th — 16th centuries (Hienadź Sahanovič).

Boockmann H. Der Deutsche Orden. Zwölf Kapitel aus seiner Geschichte (Hienadź Sahanovič).

Ekdahl S. Die Schlacht bei Tannenberg 1410 (Hienadź Sahanovič).

Urzędnicy centralni i dygnitarze Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego XIV — XVIII w. (Hienadź Siemiančuk).

Slunkova I. A little-known 16th century Map of the Upper Dzvina region (Raścislaŭ Baravy).

Kamiński Cz., Kurpiewski J. Katalog monet polskich. 1587-1632 (Ivan Sinčuk).

Waidenberg M. Kwestie narodowe w Europie ŚrodkowoWschodniej (Jury Vaškievič).

Eberhardt P. Przemiany narodowościowe na Białorusi (Alaksandar Smalančuk).



The first Belarusan-German conference of historians.

New books.

Big Historical Atlas of Belarus.
