Belarusian Historical Review. Volume 16, Fascile 1 June 2009


Uladzimir Padalinski. Political elite of the Lida district in the last third of the 16th century.

Anatol Trafimčyk. Unification of Belaruś in 1939 and “historical justice”.

Jaǔhien Hrebień. Crime in Belaruś during fascism occupation (1941 – 1944).

Thomas M. Bohn. A long leaving Stalin, or Jefim Sadoǔski’s diary.



Viačaslaǔ Afanasieǔ. Candidus (to biography of Michail Zialionka).



Natallia Sliž. The matter of an act of violence, or concerning Lieǔ Sapieha’s reputation.

Arkadiusz Czwołek. How they used to hunt for sorcerers in Jan Stanisław Sapieha’s estates.

Iryna Synkova, Michail Tarelka. A quackery text from a Belarusian-Tatar manuscript.



Leonid Zaškilniak. “Storeys” and “stairs” of Ukrainian historiography.

Marceli Kosman. Jan Seredyka (1928 — 2008) – a historian of Old Polish parliamentarianism and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.



Jury Turonak. The role of Mikalaj Pachliabaeǔ in arranging of attempt upon Wilhelm Cube’s life.


New Literature: Reviews

Henadź Sahanovič. Is the plagiarism in fashion?

Homo historicus 2008. The Annual of Anthropological History. Vilnius: ЕHU, 2008 (Siarhiej Hruntoǔ).

Kosman, Marceli. Polska w drugim tysiącleciu. Т.1-2. Toruń, 2007 (Liudmila Michajloǔskaja, Liuboǔ Kozik).

Pre-Modern Russia and its World. Essays in Honor of Thomas S. Noonan. Wiеsbaden, 2006 (Іryna Haneckaja).

Per saecula ad tempora nostra. Sborník ptrací k šedesátým narozeninám prof. J. Pánka. T. 1-2. Praha, 2007 (Marceli Kosman).

Błaszczyk, Grzegorz. Dzieje stosunków polsko-litewskich. Tom II. Od Krewa do Lublina. Część I. Poznań, 2007 (Vital Halubovič).

Bömelburg, Hans-Jürgen. Frühneuzeitliche Nationen im östlichen Europa. Wiesbaden, 2006….. (Iryna Synkova).

Ilgiewicz, Henryka. Wileńskie towarzystwa i instytucje naukowe w XIX w. Toruń, 2005; Societas Academicae Vilnenses. Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Wilnie (1907 – 1939) i jego poprzednicy. Warszawa, 2008 ….(Marceli Kosman).

Staliunas, Darius. Making Russians. Meaning and Practice of Russification in Lithuania and Belarus after 1863. Amsterdam – New York, 2007 (Paviel Cieraškovič).

Unučak, Andrej. “Naša Niva” and Belarusian national movement (1906—1915)….(Siarhiej Dubaviec).



Dissertations on history to be defended in 2006 – 2007 (Nina Kamarova).

“Belaruś between East and West”. Notes from a conference (Henadź Sahanovič).

Books received.

Authors of the issue.