Natallia Sliž. One assault or about Lieŭ Sapieha’s reputation
The article presents a rear document about assistant of starosta of Orša region in that time and future chancellor of Grand Duchy of Lithuania Leŭ Sapeha. This history shows destroying a law by Leŭ Sapeha. He organized the army that assaulted on Haŭryla Ivanavič Harnastaj’s, voivode of Bierascie, estate in 1577. Peasants were beaten and plundered in it. H. Harnastaj made the complaint on his action to grodski court of Orša region (pavet). But starosta of Orša region Filon Kmita-Čarnoblski did not accepted it and even tore pages with this event out of the judicial book. Voivode of Bierascie could not receive the satisfaction there and should complained to the Duke of Grand Duchy of Lithuania Stefan Batory. He cited Leŭ Sapeha, Filon Kmita-Čarnoblski and their helpers to the Duke’s court. How is finished this case it is unknowing but it was not influenced on future political career of these noble persons.