Belarusian Historical Review. Volume 22 Fascicles 1–2 (42–43) December 2015
Aliaksandr Kazakoŭ. The Historiography of the Battle of Orša, 1514: Achievements and Problems.
Karol Łopatecki. The Crime of Treason in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th Century.
Michihiro Yasui. Belarusians and Jews in the Polish Parliament, 1922–1927.
Andrzej Smolarczyk. The Belarusian School Society in the Province of Palesie, 1926–1933.
Iryna Ramanava. “Lepel Affair”: 1937 in Belarus.
Hienadź Sahanovič. Belarusian Calendars in Teaching History between 1910 and 1939.
Miroslav Hroch. Nation as a true European Phenomenon.
Ryszard Radzik. What Future for the Three Nations of Rus’?
History and Language
Tomasz Kamusella. On and Poland-Lithuania.
New Literature: Reviews
Alieh Lickievič. To the Question of “Reconstruction» of the Chronicles of the 14th and 15th Century.
Doŭnar, Larysa. History of Belarusian Book: a Handbook. Minsk, 2012 (Tomasz Kamusella).
Hardziejeŭ, Jury. The Toponymy of Old Hrodna (from the 12th to the 18th Century). Hrodna, 2013 (Іhar Kapyloŭ).
History of Trade in Belarus (from the Early Time untill the End of the 20th Century / Ed by Аndrej Kištymaŭ, Zachar Šybieka et al. Мinsk, 2014 (Siarhiej Tokć).
Einax, Rayk. Entstalinisierung auf Weißrussisch: Krisenbewältigung, sozioökonomische Dynamik und öffentliche Meinung in der Belorussischen Sowjetrepublik 1953–1965. Wiesbaden, 2014 (Аnton Liavicki).
Polen. Jubiläen und Debatten. Beiträge zur Erinnerungskultur. Hg. von Peter Oliver und Christian Prunitsch. Wiesbaden, 2012 (Hienadź Sahanovič).
Dissertations on history submitted in 2013 (Nina Kamarova).
In Memoriam
Аnatol Hryckievič: 31.01.1927–20.01.2015 (em>Hienadź Sahanovič).