Belarusian Historal Review. Volume 10, Fascicle 1—2 (18—19) December, 2003
Jury Hardziejeŭ. Hrodna town books language problems in Early Modern Times.
Jury Turonak. Fabian Akinčyc as a leader of Belarusian national–socialists.
Andrej Radaman. The instruction of Novaharodak local diet for its deputies to the 1587 election Sojm.
Maksim Hardziejeŭ. Documents to history of handicraft in Polack magistrate book of 1656—57.
Zmicier Šavialioŭ. The Jewish studies in Belarus between 20th and 21th Centuries.
Alieś Hruša. Little adopted introduction or little experienced reviewers?
New Literature: Reviews
Viktar Ciemušaŭ. The development problems of historical geography in Belarus.
Alieś Smaliančuk. In search of the Polish nation enemy.
Henadź Sahanovič. The nation shadow in the fog of stereotypes.
Siarhiej Zaprudski. Not jubilee reflections on the occasion of jubilee editions of linguistics heritage.
Maksim Znak. Myth, mythology and mythologists.
The Belarusian Annual of Early Texts Study. Issue 3—4 (Vital Halubovič).
Guseva, Aleksandra A. The Cyrillic prints of the second half of 16th century (Ihar Klimaŭ).
Zoltán András. Oláh Miklos Athila című munkájának XVI. Századi lengyel és fehérorosz fordítása (Alieś Brazhunoŭ).
Stern, Dieter Hubert. Die Liederhandschrift F 19–233 (15) der Bibliothek der Litauischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Ihar Klimaŭ).
Anton Luckievič. To the history of Belarusian movement. Selected works (Aliaksiej Kaŭka).
Puškin, Ihar A. Armed resistance in East Belarus (Zachar Šybieka).
Dissertations on history defended in Belarus in 2002—2003 (Liuboŭ Sobalieva).