Belarusian Historical Review Volume 13, Fascicle 2 (25) December, 2006
Henadz Sahanovič. Crusaders and Ruthenians: from the Doctrine to Practice of War against the GDL.
Vasil Varonin. The Biarezina River as Border between „Ruś»1 and „Lithuania».
Eriks Jekabsons. The Belarusians in Latvia during the Soviet and German Occupation (1940-1945).
Natallia Hardzijenka. Belarusian DPs in Great Britain.
Miroslav Hroch. Is Nation a Product of Social Communication?..
Jan Rycblik. «National History» making as the Essence of National Idea and Ideology (Czech example).
Natalia Yusova. To the History of Establishing of Ethnogenetical Studies in the USSR.
Josef Válka. Jaroslav Pánek — a Czech Historian in the Breaking Epoch.
John G. A. Pocock. The Concept of a language and the métier d’historien: some considerations on practice.
New Literature: Reviews
Marceli Kosman. Reflections on the Culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Siarhiej Tokć. Awakening of Zapadno-russizm in the integration constructivism of A. Bendzin.
Andrej Cichamirau. The History of Nationalism without Nationalism.
Mikulič, Aliaksiej. The Belarusians in the Genetic Space. The Anthropology of Ethnos (Aliaksiej Dziermant).
Floria, Boris N. At the Beginnings of the Schism of Slavic World (Henadz Sahanovič).
Rusina, Olena. Investigations to History of Kiev and Kievan Land (Valiery Pazdniakou).
Joannis Vislicensis Bellum Prutenum (Alieś Žlutka).
Evanhelije in der Übersetzung des Vasil Tjapinski um 1580. Faksimile und Kommentare (Uladzimir Sakalouski).
Sarcevičiene, Jolita. Lietuvos didikës proginëje literatűroje portretaj ir įvaizdžiai (Natallia Sliž).
Litwa w epoce Wazów. Praca zbiorowa pod red. W. Kriegseisena i A. Rachuby (Marceli Kosman).
Aniščanka, Jaǔhien. Incorporation. The Lithuanian province in the Partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Cimoch Akudovič).
Hrycak, Jaroslav. The Prophet in His Homeland (Zachar Šybieka).
Dubovik, Jury. For the Sake of Commonwealth of Belarus (Alieh Hardzijenka).
Luckievič, Anton. Selected Works (Siarhiej Dubaviec).
Vialiki, Anatol F. At a Crossroads. The Belarusians and the Poles during their resettlement (Jury Vaškievič).
Volksaufstände in Ruβland: Von der Zeit der Wirren bis zur „Grünen Revolution» (Uladzimir Snapkouski).
Cesty k národnímu obrození: Běloruský a český model (Liubou Kozik).
Commentarii Polocenses historici. T.I (2004), 2 (2005) (Aliaksandr Dounar).