Belarusian Historical Review. Volume 24 Fascicles 1–2 (46–47) December 2017
Alieś Simakoŭ. The Belarusians and the Indians: the Second World War.
Ryszard Radzik. Between Sovietness and a National Vision: Two Interpretations of Belarusian History.
Hienadź Sahanovič. Why the Belarusian SSR Did not Have a Historical Journal.
Classical Works of Lithuanian Historiogtaphy
Rimantas Jasas. The Bychowiec Chronicle and its Origin (Translation and Preface by Hanna Michalčuk).
Yurii Mytsyk. The Ward of Čačersk in Description from the Year 1773.
New Literature: Reviews
Catherine Gibson. History, Memory, and Urban Symbolic Geographies: Recent Contributions to the Historiography of Vilnius.
Jury Hardziejeŭ. Some Remarks on the Problem of Development of Historical Geography.
Iryna Ramanava. The “Invention” of the Everyday Life: What do we Research and How.
Snapkoŭski, Uladzimir. The History of Belarus Foreign Policy: School-Book. Minsk, 2013 (Andrzej Smolarczyk).
Hayasaka, Makoto. Lithuania. The Influence of Historical Tradition on the Nation’s Formation. “Idea krajowa” from the Contemporary Perspective. Tokio, 2017 (Yurii Mytsyk).
Spatial Concepts of Lithuania in the Long Nineteenth Century / ed. by Darius Staliunas. Boston, 2016 (Aliaksandr Paharely).
Chaŭstovič, Mikola. Studies and Materials: Literature of Belarus in the 18 th and 19th Centuries. Vol. 1–3. Warszawa, 2014–2017 (Іhar Zaprudzki).
Cymbal, Aliaksandr. The Orthodox Church in Western Belarus, 1921–1939. Minsk, 2016 (Liuboŭ Kozik).
Burmistr, Svetlana. Die “Minsker Zeitung”. Selbstund Fremdbilder in der Nationalsozialistischen Besatzungspresse. Berlin, 2016 (Siarhiej Novikaŭ).
Staśkiewicz, Łukasz. Ameryka Łacińska w polityce zagranicznej Republiki Białoruś. Toruń, 2016 (Aliaksandr Čaliadzinski).
Dissertations on history submitted in 2017 (Natallia Anofranka).
In Memoriam Anna Leonidovna Khoroshkevich (28.03.1931–1.05.2017) (Vasil Varonin).
Authors of the issue.