Belarusian Historical Review. Volume 26 Fascicles 1-2 (50–51) December 2019


Ihor Skochylias. Unity clergy councils of the Kyiv-Vilnia Archdiocese in the era of confessionalization (end of XVI − beginning of XVII centuries).

Dzmitry Vićko. Lithuanian Treasury Tribunal of 1700.

Jaŭhien Aniščanka. A military raid of Michał Kleafas Ahinski into Minsk region in 1794.

Natallia Anofranka. Portraits of robbers in the Belarusian/Lithuanian governorates (from the history of everyday life in the 1st half of the XIX century).

Michihiro Yasui. The Belarusians and the European Nationalities Congress: 1925-1938.

Tomasz Kamusella. The Russian Okrainy and the Polish Kresy: objectivity and historiography.


Source Studies

Śviatlana Kul-Sialvierstava. Estate and starostvos inventories as a source of Belarus’ environmental history.



Alieś Smaliančuk. “Soldiers dominate everywhere…”. Refugees in the USSR about the beginning of German occupation of Poland (December 1939).


New Literature: Reviews

Hienadź Sahanovič. On so-called “Orthodox School of History”, or Why would we have Westrus’ism.

Аndrej Čarniakievič. A place where we are not present…

Źmicier Drozd. A book of the decade.

Аliaksiej Bratačkin. March of Life for the Jews of Dalhinava.

Hanieckaja, Іryna. The Castle of Hlusk in the light of archaeological and written sources. Minsk, 2018 (Nina Zdanovič).

“Nowiny Lubelskie” z marca 1569 roku. Źródło do dziejów sejmu unii lubelskiej / оpr. i wydю P. Dymmel i H. Gmiterek. Lublin, 2019 (Uladzimir Padalinski).

Kormina, Zhanna. Pilgrims. Ethnographical sketches on the orthodox nomadism. Мoscow, 2019 (Siarhiej Hruntoŭ).

Bahdanovič, Viačaslaŭ. Church and state: selected articles and speeches / comp. by А. Hоrny. Minsk, 2019 (Аliaksandr Cymbal).

The Evangelical Christians in Belarus: five centuries of history (1517–2017) / edited by U. Navicki. Minsk, 2019 (Аndrej Unučak).

Jarmusik, Edmund. Confessional history of Belarus: a textbook. Minsk, 2016 (Viktar Adzinočanka).
Dissertations on history submitted in 2019 (Natallia Anofranka).
Authors of the issue.