Belarusian Historical Review Volume 8, Fascicle 1—2 (14—15) December, 2001


Henadź Sahanovič. «Ruś» in the war against the German Order (late 13th — early 15th century).

Elena Vernikovskaja. Resistance of the Orthodox community of the Polack eparchy to the introduction of the Union.

Jarosław Chodak. The end of era of revolutions?



Stefan Rohdewald. Contexts of actions as the borders of social groups.

Serhij Savčenko. The Orthodoxy, Protestantism and heresies of the 15th—17th century.



Aliaksandr Hruša. The unknown deed of Fiodar Karyjatavič of 1391.

Henadź Sahanovič. «Piteous lament of the town of Polack».



Giovani Levi. On microhistory.


In neighbour’s eyes

Andrej Antonaǔ. Belarus and the Belarusians in the Lithuanian school manuals on history.



Natallia Bandarenka. New period in the development of Ukrainian historiography.

Henadź Sahanovič. Ten years of Belarusian historiography (1991—2000).



About the place of Poles in contemporary history of Belarus (Stanislaǔ Rudovič).

The questions for tomorrow (Aliaksandr Smaliančuk).


New Literature: Reviews

The European manual on Belarusian history (Liavon Barščeǔski) Belarusization in documents (Ihar Klimaǔ).

Chodzin, Siarhiej. The sources on History of Belarus (Maksim Ščadrovič).

The Belarusian Annual of Study of Early Texts.  Issue 1—2 (Vital Halubovič).

Belarus: Between the East and the West (Siarhiej Zaprudski).

Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur (Ihar Klimaǔ).

Cyrillic Books printed before 1701 in British and Irish Collections (Juraś Laǔryk).

Rare Polonica in the New York Public Library: Books of the 15th—18th c. (Juraś Laǔryk).

Błaszczyk, Grzegorz. Litwa na przełomie średniowecza i novożytności (Valery Pazniakoǔ).

Listy Polskie XVI wieku / pod red. K. Rymuta. T. 1. Listy z lat 1525—1548 (Anastasija Skepjan).

Bues, Almut. Das Herzogtum Kurland und der Norden der polnisch–litauischen Adelsrepublik (Henadź Sahanovič).

Rudovič, Stanislaǔ. The time for choice: The problem of self–identification of Belarus in 1917 (Valiancina Lebiedzieva).

Turonek, Jerzy. Książka Białoruska w II Rzeczypospolitej; Turonak, Jury. Belarusian book under the German control (Juraś Laǔryk).

Smilovitsky, Leonid. The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941—1944 (Emanuil Iofe).

Belarus, June 22, 1941 (Jury Hryboǔski).

Belarusian Ostarbeiters. Historical analytical research (Jury Hryboǔski).

Hužaloǔski, Aliaksandr. The origin of Belarusian museum; idem, Museums of Belarus, 1918—1941 (Volha Koval).

Nyomárkay, István. Kroatističke studije (Siarhiej Zaprudski).

Povolný, Daniel. Operativná technika v rukou StB (Tacciana Bujnievič).


Information and chronicle

Dissertations on history defended in Belarus in 2001 (Anastasija Skepjan).