Jury Turonak. Fabian Akinčyc as a leader of Belarusian national-socialists.

Fabian Akinčyc, Petersburg University graduate (1913), Rus­sian SR Party figure, after returning home (1923) became a governing body member of  BSR „Hramada“, „Central Union“ and other organizations in Western Belarus. Also known as a publicist and publisher. In 1933 he organized a group of Belarusian natio­nal–socialists in Vilnia. He was its ideo­logist and leader. In the spring of 1939 he left for Germany trying to establish political and military collaboration of Belarusian Nazis with German autho­rities to gain the leadership in Belarus after its occupation by German troops, competed against his political rivals. Special attention was paid to bringing up the young generation in the spirit of national–socialist principles. He considered it the starting point for national revival and formation of Belarusian state under German protectorate. In September 1941 he headed the com­mittee to select a certain number of intellectual people of Bela­rusian origin from prisoner–of–war camps. They were directed at several–month propaganda courses not far from Berlin. After the course Akinčyc sent groups of skilled propagandists to General District of Belarus. He rested on them in his fight with his main political rival Ivan Jermačenka and gover­ning body of Belarusian National Socialists under his leadership. However, Kube revealed the action planned by Akinčyc and , as a result, on March 5,1943 he was assassinated. Akinčyc’ activity was given a contradictory assessment after the war. Perhaps, his only achievement was training of propagandists who, in the summer of 1943, organized and headed a political organization — Union of Belarusian Youth.