Belarusian Historical Review. Volume 15, Fascicle 1-2 (28-29) December, 2008
Henadź Sahanovič. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Army Confederations of the years 1612–1614
Andrzej Rachuba. Mobilization efforts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the years 1654 – 1667
Mirosław Nagielski. Military activity of Aleksander Hilary Palubinski (1648-76)
Konrad Bobiatyński. The Great Hetman of the GDL Michał Kazimierz Pac’s career and military activity
Dzmitry Vićko. The Attempt of Republicans to Get Hold of the Power over GDL Army in 1697-1698
New Literature: Reviews
Karev, Dmitrii V. Belarusian and Ukrainian historiography from the end 18th to the beginning of the 20th Centuries (Alieś Danilovič)
Litauen und Ruthenien. Studien zu einer transkulturellen Kommunikationsregion (15.-18. Jahrhundert) (Uladzimir Kananovič)
Wojny północne w XVI-XVIII wieku. Toruń 2007 (Henadź Prybytka)
Januškievič, Аndrej. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Livonian War of 1558 – 1570 (Alexander Filjiushkin)
Kotljarchuk, Andrej. In the Shadows of Poland and Russia (Міchał Duda)
Kotljarchuk, Andrej. In the Shadows of Poland and Russia (Konrad Bobiatyński)
Kalamajska-Saeed, Maria. Genealоgia przez obrazy. Barokowa ikonografia rodu Sapiehów na tle staropolskich galerii portretowych (Аlbina Siemiančuk)
Nikandroff, Nil. Ivan Solonevich: the popular monarchist. Моskow 2007; Sołoniewicz, Iwan. Rosja w łagrze. Warszawa 2007 (Andrej Cichamiraǔ)
Harvard Ukrainian Studies. V. XXVI (2002-2003): Ukrainian Church History (Valiancina Janoǔskaja, Maryna Sakalova)
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